Taste Sarria and reVITAlise your sense of taste.

Taste Sarria and reVITAlise your sense of taste.

It’s time to discover


Come and enjoy the natural flavours of Rubia Galega (Galician red cow), Celtic pork, bread, empanadas and typical desserts, and much more…



Ternera Galega

Eating in Sarria

Pulpo á Feira

Don’t leave Sarria without trying pulpo á feira, better if it’s a fair day: the 6th, 20th and 27th of each month in the Campo da Feira, on Rúa da Mercede, in the highest part of the town. An extension of the space occupied by the medieval market, already documented in the 14th century. Whether it is at the fair or in a restaurant, go to a pulpería de Sarria and see why our octopus is so famous. Alone or with cachelos (boiled potatoes)? With sweet or hot paprika? You choose.

Porco Celta

When you visit Sarria you will discover why we are one of the leading places in pork production. Among them is the Celtic pork, a recovered native breed that grows freely in pastures and forests, which gives it an unbeatable flavour. We even have our own Festa do Porco Celta, where you can try the famous cocido de porco celta. Enjoy pork meat in different formats: fresh for cooking, salted and tasty traditional sausages: chorizo, salchichón, chicharrones, lacón de Sarria… All of them produced in an artisan way.

Ternera Galega

Grilled, steak, stewed, carne ó caldeiro… no matter how it is prepared, our rubia galega will delight your palate. And do you know why? Because the pastures are of high quality. In addition to the rubia, you can also find other autochthonous breeds such as cachena, caldelá, limiá, frieiresa and vianesa.

Verduras Galegas

Sarria’s abundant water makes a rich vegetable garden possible. The most popular vegetables in the area are beets, turnip greens and cabbage. All of them are perfect for preparing a good stew or Galician stew and to replenish your strength or warm up on colder days.

Pan y empanadas

If you are Galician, you already know this, but if you are not, be warned: Galician bread is highly addictive. Its artisan production process means that the crust is crunchy, the crumb is spongy and the flavour is natural and authentic, even several days after baking. Not to mention the smell that fills the streets thanks to the traditional bakeries. You can start your day with some crunchy toast and then prepare for your route or excursion a good sandwich with some of our tasty sausages or a artisan Galician bread roll (zorza, iscos, chorizo, octopus, cod, vegetables…).

Sweets and desserts

And if you have a sweet tooth, you must try one or more of the typical desserts of Sarria: melindres, filloas, freixós, cheese, roscón, almond, chestnut or walnut cake, fried milk or a “santito”.

Experiences with a lot of flavour

If you would like to learn more about the gastronomy of Sarria, we invite you to take one of these tasty guided tours:

Pan e Mel de Sarria
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Ternera Galega
Tapas de Sarria
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“Non sei que ten…”

But you have no choice but to come to Sarria, not only to reVITAlize your legs and your heart, but also your palate.

Savour Sarria by buying these gastronomic delights in the market square, fair or local shops or enjoying them in our bars and restaurants.

Where to eat?

Find the best restaurants and
local gastronomic shops: