Ruta do Monte de Sta. Cristina
Leave the Praza da Vila along Rúa Matías López in the direction of Lugo. When you reach Pontes Novas do Mazadoiro, turn left and continue along Rúa da Fábrica to Treilán, where you can see Casa Sarry (an old leather tannery). We continue along the road to Goián in the direction of Santalla de Arxemil, take the track to the “Vertedero de lixo” (landfill) and go up towards the hill of Sta. Cristina. We look for the ascending track and from the lookout balcony we can contemplate the magnificent view of La Veiga. We climb to the top and descend the northern slope in the direction of Fonte de Valmao, from where we return to Sarria along the road to Lugo.